How are you going to assess if the project objectives have been achieved?

The evaluation of the achieved results of the project will be carried out at the institutional, regional and national levels. For that need, a special monitoring mechanism will be developed, which will be supported by digital tools. The role of digital tools will enable fast exchange of information, provision of up-to-date information, promotion and control of results during project implementation as well as after that period. The project has seven preparatory and development activities, six implementation and seven activities related to dissemination and sustainability activities. For each of these activities within the project application, they are clear defined indicators, both qualitative and quantitative, and expert bodies of institutions and broad experts will be familiar with them community. The realization of each activity will be documented in the form of a report and presented to a wide range of teaching professionals community through workshops, professional scientific conferences, counseling and active participation in socially responsible campaigns. The quality and results of the innovative contents will be monitored through the institutional registration procedures, results analysis passing rates, students’ evaluations regarding the degree of satisfaction and quality of the implementation of the teaching program, by degree employability, as well as feedback from PI partners about the implementation of LLL courses, as well as the application of project results in real life industrial conditions. A special emphasis will be placed on the results of project mobility, the quality of the knowledge platform, will be measured with its visibility, popularity, number of registered users, and finally its reference in the field digitization of the energy sector. Given that this project is ambitiously conceived with a large number of activities, it is logical is to expect that part of the financial support will come from institutions, from business partners as well as from other project sources, and in order to effectively implement the achieved results in a real industrial environment. Finally, the strengthening of capacities within the improved quality of online learning will be monitored and evaluated of learning in the implementation of the teaching process, knowledge verification activities, implementation of LLL courses, views of independents evaluator, as by raising the capacity of the institution in the application and development of hybrid education.

Explain how you will ensure the sustainability of the project: How will the participation in this project contribute to the development of the involved organisations in the long-term? Do you plan to continue using the project results or implement some of the activities after the project's end?

The project is designed so that the planned activities during the project ensure its sustainability after the end of the project. The results of the project that we consider sustainable are:
1. Long-term agreements between educational institutions and business partners as well as all interested parties
2. A knowledge platform based on ICT technology will be developed for interactive training of students and employees
3. Implemented student mobility model.
4. Developed instructions and guides Behind the development and implementation of the digitalization concept in the energy sector.
5. Improved program contents and created transnational module
6. Developed training courses for industrial partners and companies – LLL
7. Android and IOS application website
8. Advanced online learning software and hybrid teaching models.
9. Development on the improvement of the “green footprint” of institutions

Legal sustainability is ensured by acts of the Law on Higher Education, as well as accreditation standards, which enables changes to program content, without redundant bureaucratic procedures. Institutional sustainability of PE results partners, is ensured through improved program content and student enrollment, strengthening of student capacity mobility, by strengthening the hybrid approach to learning as well as improving online teaching. PI will ensure sustainability of results through the implementation of digitization procedures and the realization of LLL courses intended for its employees, with the fact that it will be actively worked on and on the commercialization of the same. The instructions for the implementation of student mobility will be supported by the improved rulebook on recognition of the results of student mobility by the competent bodies of partners PC, P1, and P2. The sustainability of the e-knowledge platform will be supported by copyright regulations that will define the creation, improvement and exchange of information, training programs, examples of good practice. The sustainability of the developed platform is reflected in its option for realization of interactive trainings intended for third parties. Financial sustainability is ensured by the commercialization of services provided by LLL courses, as well as the placement of project results through consulting and expert services, during the implementation of digitization and raising the level of energy efficiency in industry. By implementing the results of the GREENES project, in the working environment P4, P5 and P6 will influence market creation sustainable and competitive product, which will lay the foundation for future industrial production standards. Finally, the development of the green footprint and its continuous improvement will create a framework for the further fight against climate change. change.

Please describe the potential wider impact of your project: Will the impact be equally spread among the involved organisations? What is the potential impact of the project on each participating organisation as a whole? Are there other groups or organisations at local, regional, national or European level that will benefit from your project? Please explain how

Starting from the general need for the development of green competences in the energy sector, and as part of the current energy crisis, the project in itself has a broad regional dimension with the prospect of spreading to institutions in the surrounding area as well as to others countries of the Western Balkans, the countries of the Western Balkans are making certain efforts within the educational and energy communities towards the establishment of unique frameworks, which is one of the main goals of the project. Digitalization of the energy sector, 49 / 54 Call 2022 Round 1 KA2 KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education Form ID KA220-HED-E683AE00 Deadline (Brussels Time) 23 Mar 2022 12:00:00 EN based on the application of IOT, AI, UAV, VR technologies, will also initiate digitization in other spheres, economy, education, industry, so that conditions will be created for visiting other areas as well. Given the topicality of the topic and multidisciplinarity, the effects of the project are evenly distributed among all partners, so as such they will have an approximately equal impact on the development of all three PE as well as PI partners. This position refers to the development of the transnational module, intended for students of all three institutions, digitization of institutions, raising the level of energy efficiency of all partners, strengthening the Green Footprint, as well as internationalization of institutions. The project will provide an example of good practice that will be applicable to other institutions of higher education education and industry in general. Taking into account the high-quality international cooperation with all three PEs, as well as their position in society, initiatives will be launched which will aim to promote these results and their wider implementation in different spheres of life, through communities for energy, local institutions, as well as wider academic communities. The purpose of the project lies in European regulations and trends, so therefore, his results also have a broad European dimension.

Please describe your plans for sharing and promoting the project results: How do you intend to make the results of your project known within your partnership, in your local communities and in the wider public? Who are the main target groups you intend to share your results with?

The nature of the project is intended for a wide population, which can be divided into several groups, the academic community, students, professionals, local self-government, NGOs, youth, decision-makers at the local, national and regional level. The process distribution of the results will start with informing the staff of PE and PI partners, then it will be transferred to students, employees in various industry sectors. NGOs and young people, all with the aim of informing the public about the project’s activities and goals. Website project will be registered, set up and regularly updated SEO/SEM optimized. Together with the launch of the project pages within the web presentation of partner PC, P1-P5, will provide up-to-date information on project activities, achieved results, upcoming events, activities of working groups, a wide group of potential users, Round tables, Info days, as well as conferences organized by partners PC, P1, P2, will be places for promoting the results of the to a wide academic and professional community. The developed material for teaching and training will be posted on the institutional web pages of the course, web presentation of the GREENES project, as well as on the e-platform, which will be user-oriented and optimized, with pre-defined users space for partners and promoted through scientific gatherings, professional conferences, commercialized and widely available population. To ensure a unique visual identification of the project, a project logo will be designed. Various campaigns aimed at promoting results aimed at raising awareness of the need for digitization have been planned energy sector and creating conditions for energy stability in the region, as well as ways to achieve it. Campaigns with a goal promotions of newly developed study programs will be organized in partner institutions in order to promote enrollment, but also secondary schools in order to present the full capacities of the institutions, the perspective of studying in this field and raising awareness young people. A special set of promotional activities will be aimed at IT companies and start-up companies from Serbia, North Macedonia and Slovenia, as well as other countries of the region in order to achieve synergy of different sectors and launch innovative solutions in this area. Social networks will represent a special aspect of promotion, taking into account the age of the target groups. Professor-student communication, as well as student-student, student-company communication, apart from direct communication, will also take place via e-mail and social networks. or specialized learning platforms as well as process management programs Trello, KanBan….


Aleksandara Medvedeva 20, Nis
+018 588211

Finansirano od

Digitalizacija u sektoru obnovljivih izvora omogućava:

Praćenje i upravljanje proizvodnjom: Digitalne tehnologije omogućavaju kontinuirano praćenje proizvodnje iz obnovljivih izvora, kao što su solarni paneli i vetroelektrane. Senzori i pametni uređaji mogu prikupljati podatke o proizvodnji energije u realnom vremenu, omogućavajući efikasnije upravljanje i optimizaciju proizvodnog kapaciteta.

Napredna analitika podataka: Analitika podataka i veštačka inteligencija mogu se primeniti za analizu velikih količina podataka iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Ove tehnologije mogu identifikovati obrasce u proizvodnji energije, predviđati proizvodnju na osnovu vremenskih uslova i drugih faktora, što pomaže u boljem planiranju i upravljanju energetskim resursima.

Mikrogrids i decentralizacija: Digitalizacija omogućava formiranje mikromreža koje koriste obnovljive izvore energije za lokalne potrebe. Ovi sistemi mogu biti decentralizovani i omogućiti nezavisno snabdevanje energijom manjih zajednica, industrijskih postrojenja ili ruralnih područja.

Internet stvari (IoT) i pametne tehnologije: Integracija IoT uređaja i pametnih tehnologija u obnovljive izvore energije omogućava automatizaciju i daljinsko upravljanje proizvodnim sistemima. Ovo povećava efikasnost i pouzdanost, omogućavajući proizvođačima da reaguju na promenljive uslove i povećaju iskoristivost energije.

Blockchain tehnologija: Korišćenje blockchain tehnologije može omogućiti transparentnu i sigurnu razmenu energije između različitih aktera u sektoru obnovljivih izvora. Ova tehnologija može podržati tržišne modele peer-to-peer trgovine energijom između proizvođača i potrošača.

Integracija sa pametnim mrežama: Obnovljivi izvori energije mogu biti integrisani u pametne mreže (Smart Grids) kako bi se bolje upravljalo i distribuiralo proizvedenu energiju. Ovo povećava stabilnost i fleksibilnost energetskog sistema, posebno s obzirom na promenljivu prirodu proizvodnje iz obnovljivih izvora.

Digitalizacija u sektoru obnovljivih izvora energije pruža brojne prednosti, uključujući povećanu efikasnost, smanjenje emisija gasova staklene bašte i veću održivost energetskog sektora. Ove tehnologije igraju ključnu ulogu u tranziciji ka čistijoj i održivijoj energetskoj budućnosti.

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